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GymAware tracks weight lifting performance with Flex

GymAware, a fitness equipment company based in Australia, has created Flex, a tracking device that collects performance data from weight training.

Distributed in the UK by Perform Better, Flex is a lightweight device that can attach to any barbell magnetically and uses 16 laser optics to measure the weight's vertical displacement from the closest surface, either the floor or ceiling.

Users simply fit the Flex to the barbell, which then collects data, such as the weight's vertical displacement, height, dip, power and velocity, and sends it to the Flex Stronger app, where users can track their performance either by repetition, set or session.

It can also track increases in strength and load, as well as technique improvements, and can be used by personal trainers to motivate clients, track their progress and set goals. It can even be used to create personalised programming.

"Flex turns any barbell into a smart gym by providing real-time feedback on each and every lift. Combined with community features and accurate technology, it is the perfect solution for anyone wishing to train at the next level," says GymAware MD Heather Lawton.

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